Social and business connections in China: an insider’s perspective on guanxi

Maria’s intro:   The visitors who have been reading this blog over the past few months, by…

Global business networking and the hidden dangers of LinkedIn

1. Ethical concerns as a small (unverified) business owner LinkedIn - “the world’s largest professional network”,…

Buyer personas: an introduction to psychographic segmentation

What really decides consumers to buy or not to buy is the content of your…

#AskMudita Current topic: Main cultural differences between Latin- and North America

Dear readers, This is an example of the messages I occasionally receive through the online form:   “Dear…

Reasons why market research matters in cross cultural advertising

  I don't know the rules of grammar. If you're trying to persuade people to do…

"Giving and losing "face": honour, social reputation and networking in Asian countries"

People will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou - While Maya Angelou’s quote…

I/II: "Why do we work so hard?” Motivation and reward across different cultures

The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third,…

"Where do babies come from?”: a tale of misunderstandings and corporate negligence

In a previous article we’ve discussed about ethnocentrism - “ technical name for this view…

A seat at the African-American table: how social eating connects a community

Article written by Tiffani Rozier: The dining table is a sacred space within the African American…

Food, values and entrepreneurship in diaspora communities

How a people eats is one of the most powerful ways they have to express,…

Power dynamics in the workplace and the hidden costs of fearful communication

In her book “Controlling Other People: The impact of power in stereotyping”, researcher Susan Fiske…

Consumer segmentation: the influence of cultural factors on purchasing behaviour

Authors Thomas Petit and Alan Zakon once observed that "Advertising must be compatible with the…

Space planning: a cultural matter

According to anthropologist E.T. Hall, proxemics is "the spatial dimension of non verbal behavior", the…

Global Sales and the Customer Journey: the effect of cultural values on individual choices

Are individual choices truly “individual” and an indication of our own personal preference? In a study…

Time Management challenges in the global workplace

You're on a business trip to meet with some client. The meeting is delayed. Finally…

Marketing Relativism: Glocalized Tea vs Globalized Coffee

The hallmarks of a potentially successful copywriter include: obsessive curiosity about products, people and advertising.…

Context: High-and Low-Context Cultures

The frame, the definition, is a type of context. And context, as we said before, determines…

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