"Great ideas have the power to shift perception to create value where it didn’t exist before."

- Alan Philips -


Dear Reader,

Thank you wholeheartedly for subscribing to Mudita's School, and welcome to the first issue of "Oddities & Curiosities", our "no-frills", irregular newsletter.


As some of you may already know, Mudita Consultancy is still very much in its infancy: 2020 has been a challenging and yet exciting year, which brought about many opportunities to grow, focus on our priorities, redefine our goals, and learn from past mistakes. Words can barely express how much your support meant to me while doing the first steps on the shaky ground known as "entrepreneurship", support I am incredibly grateful for and that I commit to keep earning. 


Mudita's School is the latest addition to Mudita's Resource Center: while the project is still a "work in progress" – changing and evolving as we speak – I am confident that it will soon become a homey, welcoming space for your learning experience. Mudita's main promise to you is that such space – your space – will always be free of intrusive advertising: Mudita may be new to the world of e-learning, but I believe in the value it offers and trust that we'll organically grow together, over time. 

With regard to the exciting times ahead, I have a small favor to ask, while crafting more food-for-thought to share with you:

if you enjoy spending time with us, if you're learning something new and different from Mudita’s pages, please invite your friends, colleagues, and all the curious minds you can think of to join us. I'll be delighted to share and exchange knowledge, ideas, and experiences with all the amazing people who value and appreciate the beauty of cultural diversity.

Before I leave you to it, I'd like to briefly explain why "Oddities & Curiosities" is going to be an irregular newsletter: I don't believe in cluttered inboxes, and trust that our friends don’t need a constant reminder that Mudita is out there. I’ll write when I've got something interesting to share, something you should know about, something I think you might enjoy discovering. 

This said, however, please rest assured that I'll always be happy to hear from you. I value your suggestions, and rely on your feedback and constructive criticism that will help us all grow, improve, and become the best version of ourselves.

Thank you once again for choosing to become a much welcome member of the Mudita family, 



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